Real Assets
Positioning for Defensive Growth
White Paper
Jul 19, 2022
Markets have been volatile this year amid rising recession fears. While we can’t predict exactly when and if a recession will occur, our base case is that a short and shallow recession is likely. We believe inflation has probably peaked but will remain above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target for the foreseeable future, and we see interest rates remaining higher than they have been over the past 10 years.
Against this backdrop, we believe real asset investors should position for defensive growth. Real asset debt is becoming increasingly attractive amid rising rates, and we advocate increasing exposure accordingly.
However, if the next recession is indeed short and shallow, investors will also not want to completely abandon cyclical exposures. Fully de-risking likely means missing out on a subsequent recovery. Instead, we advocate going defensive in real asset equities via certain sectors supported by long-term structural tailwinds (such as underinvestment) and likely to offer relatively safe earnings. Read more in the full white paper.
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