Real assets can be accessed through both public and private markets. Building portfolios with the whole picture—both public and private real asset exposures—can offer potential portfolio benefits.

Combining Public and Private Real Assets to Meet Portfolio Objectives

We believe building portfolios with the whole picture—both public and private real asset exposures— can help meet a range of client objectives, including portfolio completion and diversification, tactical asset allocation and liquidity.
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Building Portfolios With Both Public and Private Infrastructure

Attractive investments offering the potential benefits of infrastructure—compelling returns, defensiveness and inflation protection—can be found in both public and private markets. However, we believe an investing approach that includes both public and private exposures can provide even more potential portfolio benefits, including portfolio completion, liquidity, and tactical asset allocation opportunities.
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The Potential Benefits of Allocating Across Public and Private Real Estate

The Potential Benefits of Allocating Across Public and Private Real Estate

The investment case for real estate is strong. Real estate offers potential investment benefits that include income generation, diversification, inflation protection and attractive absolute returns.

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Building Portfolios with Both Public and Private Real Asset Debt

Building Portfolios with Both Public and Private Real Asset Debt

We believe an allocation to real asset high yield, coupled with private debt and lower-yielding public product allocations, can provide potential portfolio benefits, including better credit quality, lower overall default risk, less interest rate sensitivity, greater sector diversification, and improved returns across different points in the economic cycle.

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