Real Assets

A Recovery is Likely Coming, but Expect Some Bumps Along the Way

White Paper

Jan 15, 2021

Real Assets Quarterly: A Recovery is Likely Coming, but Expect Some Bumps Along the Way

Our outlook is much brighter than three months ago, as certain binary events have been decided (including the U.S. election and the emergence of a vaccine), and we believe a full reopening of the global economy—and the subsequent economic rebound—is on the horizon.

However, the pace and timing are unclear, and we do not expect an entirely smooth ride in terms of the market and macroeconomic environment over the next several months.

In looking to assess the current environment, we focus on four main macroeconomic tenets—economic growth, inflation, interest rates, and policy and regulation—that help form our top-down views in terms of our diversified real assets allocation. Read more on our outlook and views in the full commentary.

Download full commentary

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