Real Assets
Where to Find Downside Protection
White Paper
Apr 18, 2022
Investors looking for downside protection during risk-off periods—like the one we just experienced in the first quarter of 2022—may want to consider exposure to real asset equities. We find that infrastructure and real estate stocks tend to outperform global equities during risk-off periods, the first quarter of 2022 being the latest in a long line of such market environments.
The quarter was a volatile one for global markets. Concerns over the ongoing war in Ukraine, higher inflation and rising rates weighed on shares for much of the quarter. Real asset equities, however, did not suffer as much as their broader market counterparts, displaying downside protection that isn’t unique to this market crisis. We find real asset equities have historically tended to outperform global equities during past major market crises. Read more in the full white paper.
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